You probably want something more on your web pages than just plain text. You can use images (I'll explain how to do that here.), but you can also use formatting to make your text look cooler. You can make text bold, italic or underlined, or combinations of these. These help text stand out. There are some other features of formatting, too. (Just don't overdo formatting)
How do you do these features? Simple.
To make text bold, use <b> and </bgt; tags before and after
the text you want bold.
Use <i> and </i> before and after text that you want italic.
<u> and </u > to make text underlined.
Use <li> tags at the start of "bulleted" lines and
</li> tags at the end.
To use dividers, simply type an <hr> tag.
To change font size, use a
<font size="plus or minus value"> tag and use an </font> tag when you are done with the font change.
Use a plus number or minus number to increase or decrease font size respectively.
There are six sizes of headlines. Headline 1 is the biggest. Headline 4 is regular size. Headline 6 is the smallest.
Headlines are bold and have a little space between
them and the following line and them and the preceeding line. Here are the tags for headlines:
<h1> and </h1> Headline #1
<h2> and </h2> Headline #2
<h3> and </h3> Headline #3
<h4> and </h4> Headline #4
<h5> and </h5> Headline #5
<h6> and </h6> Headline #6
Don't forget end tags!
Beer is made of the following ingredients: barley, water,
and hops. At least these are the only things that should be in beer according to the Reinheitsgebot, or German Beer Purity Law of 1516. (Germans take beer seriously) Yeast creates the alcohol by fermentation. Alcohol is not added to beer directly. Yeast is. (Yeast's functionality was not understood at the time the Beer Purity Law was written.)
The chemical formula for fermentation:
Glucose-> carbon dioxide and alcohol
-> 2C02 + 2C2H5OH
The carbon dioxide forms the head or foam of beer. The CO2
in beer is naturally formed, where the C02 in pop isn't.
The Egyptians invented beer, although different from the modern form. The Romans, although they controlled Egypt during the prime of the Empire, preferred wine. In the Middle Ages, beer became more like modern beer.