You've all seen links before. This page explains how to put them on your own Web page.
Cool trick: When you want to create a link to something in the same folder (subdirectory), you don't need to type the full URL. All you need to do is type in the filename.
You should use a <:br>: tag before the link tag if you want each of your links on a seperate line. If you want your
link in with other text, just omit the 'br' tag.
An email link will open up a user's email program (commonly Microsoft Outlook) and put a certain address into its address bar.
To type a mailto link, you use a standard link tag. In the "URL" part, you type:
"mailto:email address".
You can still use whatever text you want in the "text" section of a mailto link.
Do not forget any part of the link tag, or any part of any tag for that matter. Webpages can be greatly screwed up by a mistyped tag.