Adam: (biographical name) Adam used to be the #1 Georger, back in 1999 and 2000. Adam's profile
Alex: (noun) Slang for $10 bill. Synonyms: Hamilton, sawbuck (Sawbuck came into use because the Roman Numeral X, for 10, looked like the brace to a sawhorse.)
Bingo: (noun) Type of wheresgeorge statistic. To have hits in all of the items from a category. "50-State Hit Bingo" is one of the most common.
brick: (noun) 1,000 bills of the same denomination, formed by bundling 10 straps together. Some straps are composed of circulated bills, some are composed of brand new bills (a BEP brick)
Dr. Ask (biographical name) One of the members of Team Aqua. Dr. Ask writes Hank checks in exchange for cash that was sent in for FoG payments. (Hank needs a check so he can deposit the money in his bank account. He has a strict rule against depositing large amounts of marked bills and he wants to follow his own rule.)
Dr. Ask then travels all over the world spending the bills and he hits them in whatever location he happens to be in.
EMS (verb) an abbreviation for Enter-Mark-Spend, the proper way to enter bills into Where's George?. ES, or Enter then Spend, is also acceptable.
Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) (noun) One of the twelve government institutions that process and distribute all United States currency. The big banks that regular banks use.
ANALOGY: You are to your bank as your bank is to the Federal Reserve Bank.
A=Boston. B=New York. C=Philadelphia. D=Cleveland E=Richmond. F=Atlanta. G=Chicago. H=St. Louis. I=Minneapolis. J=Kansas City. K=Dallas. L=San Francisco. All Federal Reserve Notes are 'issued for' one of these tweleve FRB's. An explanation of the meaning of bills being issued by a specific FRB
Forum (noun) One of the Where's George public message boards. All registered users can post. Plural: Forums or forae The WG public forums page (it includes archives of Forum postings from a long time ago, as well as the links to the current forae)
There are several forums: Main, NE rrgional, SE regional, Western regional, New User Q&A, WG Gatherings (see 'gathering') Political Discussion and 'Happy Hour' (the Happy Hour forum is for anything not related to WG except for politics)
FoG Acronym: Friends of WheresGeorge. See Friends of WheresGeorge.
Friends of WheresGeorge (noun): A program by which Georgers send money to Hank, and Hank enables special features on their account. This money enables Hank to keep the site running. AKA 'Friends' program. Details on the Friends program
George: 1. (noun) Slang for $1 bill. Synonym: Washington. 2. (verb) The act of entering and marking bills into Where's George?.
Georger: (noun) A user of Wheresgeorge.
George Score: (noun) The mathematical formula used to rank georgers. its factors are: Bills Entered, Total Hits and Days of Inactivity. The formula is as follows:
100* (SQRT(LN(Number of Bills Entered))+(LN(Total Hits + 1))* (1 - (Days of Inactivity/100))
Expressed more conveniently as:
(Explanation of what a natural log is)
GAL hit, Get A Life Hit (noun) a hit a user receives at the same time he or she is online, especially if he or she is online at WG at the time of the hit.
This term is explained as: if you are getting a lot of these hits, you are online too much and thus need to Get A Life.
Also known as RTH. (Real Time Hit). See 'RTH'.
A debate among some site users has existed as to what term is correct. Please ask the Happy Hour forum about it if you want the details of this debate.
Grant: (noun) Slang for $50 bill. Synonym: Ulysses
Hank Eskin: (biograhpical name) The webmaster of Where's George?. He spends a huge amount of time every week answering contact forms, deleting fake 90210 hits, etc. He is assisted by team Aqua in the task of answering contact forms.
Happy Hour forum (noun) One of the WG forums, for topics not related to Where's George. Jokes and funny pictures are common in the happy Hour Forum. (Also known by the following name: 'It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Forum' [4M Forum])
Jackson: (noun) Slang for $20 bill. Synonyms: Andrew Jackson, Andy
Old-style bill (noun) A $5,$10,$20,$50 or $100 of Series 1995 or earlier. They have a small portrait in the center, like the $1 and $2 still do. They have no security features. (Exception: Series 1990, 1993 and 1995 bills have a security thread)
Pino the pizza man (biographical name) Was once the #1 Georger, as ranked by George Score. As of March 25th, 2005 his george score was 1,417.5, 7.84 points above the #2 Georger, Wattsburg Gary. Pino's profile
He runs the Picasso's Pizza pizzeria in Bethlehem, PA, hence his name.
RTH, Real Time Hit (noun) a hit a user receives at the same time he or she is online, especially if he or she is online at WG at the time of the hit. Also known as GAL hit (Get a Life hit). See 'GAL hit'.
A debate among some site users has existed as to what term is correct. Please ask the Happy Hour forum about it if you want the details of this debate.
Serial Number (noun) The alphanumeric code that, combined with denomination and series, provides a unique identifier for each bill. Always contains eight numbers. Old-style bills have one letter before the numbers and one letter after them. New large-denomination bills have two letters before and one after. Occasionally, a star replaces the last letter. (see "star note") [On some really old bills, the star replaces the first letter.]
star note (noun) a bill with a star symbol in its serial number. Used by the BEP to replace bills from the normal serial-number pattern that are damaged during production.
1. (noun). A bill that is entered into the system, but not marked. Some users do this as a challenge, some do this due to logistical difficulties in spending marked $ in certian situations.
2. (verb). To enter a bill in such a manner.
strap (noun) a bank bundle of 100 bills of the same denomination. The wrappers are color-coded by demonination, and give the dollar-value total. A BEP strap is a strap directly from the BEP- i.e. the bills are brand new. Half straps, or 50 bills, are also common. See also 'brick'
Team Aqua (noun) A nickname for the people that assist Hank with running the site. Their names used to appear in aqua when they posted to the Public Forums. They are: slowpoke, fogette, and Dr. Ask.
Tom (noun) The most common slang term for the $2 bill.
Total Georger (noun) An 'obsessed' Georger, who enters most of the bills that he or she gets access to
Wattsburg Gary (biographical name) The current #1 Georger, as ranked by George Score. Gary gets his user name from his home city of Wattsburg, PA. This guy has well over a million bills entered.