Simpsons Guest StarsMany famous people have done bit parts on "The Simpsons". Heck, the list includes ppeople from Jerry Springer to the Queen of England. Here is a list of the guest stars and what episode they were in. (Click on the episode's production code to go to the episode capsule for that episode). Kelsey Grammer and Marcia Wallace, are regulars on the show as homicidal Bart-hating maniac Sideshow Bob and fourth-grade teacher Edna Krabappel respectively. All guest stars played themselves unless otherwise noted.
Season One (1989-1990)7G06 Ron Taylor (Bleeding Gums Murphy) The jazz legend who is Lisa's mentor. 7G09 Albert Brooks (Cowboy Bob) The manager of Cowboy Bob's RV Roundup. 7G11 Albert Brooks (Jacques) The bowling instructor that Marge has an affair with. 7G10 Sam McMurray (Gulliver Dark) Sings at the Offramp Inn show. 7G01 June Foray (Babysitter service woman) The receptionist for the Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers Babysitter Service. Penny Marshall (Ms. Botz) Strict disciplinarian who turns out to be a criminal. Season Two (1990-1991)7F02 Harvey Fierstein (Karl) Homer's secretary, who out-suckups Mr. Smithers. 7F04 James Earl Jones (Mover, Serak the Preparer, Narrator) Jones's voice is used in all three segments: as a mover for The Simpsons in "Bad Dream House," as the aliens' cook in "Hungry Are the Damned," and as the narrator for "The Raven." 7F05 Tony Bennett Appears briefly while singing the "Capital City" song. Tom Poston (Capital City Goofball) The mascot for Capital City's baseball team. 7F07 Greg Berg (the 2 homeless guys) Bart meets these two hobos at the homeless shelter after running away from home. 7F11 George Takei (Akira, the waiter) Joey Miyashima (Master Chef) Diane Tanaka (Hostess) Workers at the Happy Sumo. Larry King Narrates the Bible on tape. 7F12 Jon Lovitz (Artie Ziff, Mr. Seckofsky) Artie Ziff was Marge's senior prom date in high school. Mr. Seckofsky was Homer's shop teacher. 7F16 Danny DeVito (Herb Powell) Homer's previously unknown half-brother,who disowns him after Homer ruins his business. "Produced" when Grampa has an affair with a female carny. 7F14 Tracey Ullman (Emily Winthrop) Runs an obedience school where Santa's Little Helper was trained. 7F17 Audrey Meadows (Bea Simmons) Grampa's girlfriend, who dies and leaves him her fortune. In fact, the two met when their medicine was mixed up. Grampa spends the fortune on improving the old folks' home. 7F18 Jon Lovitz (Professor Lombarbo) The teacher of Marge's college art course. Ringo Starr Sent a letter to Marge about how much he loved her Sixties painting of him. The letter is read aloud by Ringo in his own voice when Marge finds it again. 7F19 Dustin Hoffman(credited as Sam Etic)(Mr. Bergstrom) The substitute teacher Lisa had a crush on. 7F21 Chloris Leachman (Mrs. Glick) The delusioned old woman Bart did chores for. Daniel Stern (Narrator) Bart imagined his adult self narrating his childhood, like Kevin Arnold on "The Wonder Years." Season Three (1991-1992)7F24 Michael Jackson(credited as John Jay Smith)(Leon Kompowsky) The insane fat guy who thinks he's Michael Jackson. I liked it when Bart sang: "Lisa, your teeth are green, Lisa, you smell like gasoline" (I have an annoying sister too.) 8F03 Joe Mantegna (Fat Tony, Himself playing Fat Tony) He's played Fat Tony many times (such as in "The Twisted World of Marge"), but on this episode he also played himself as Fat Tony in a "Movie of the Week" at the end of the show. Neil Patrick Harris (Himself playing Bart) Also in the "Movie of the Week." 8F04 Magic Johnson Gives Homer a congratulatory call. Later scores a miraculous basket after tripping. Chick Hearn The announcer. Jon Lovitz (Aristotle Amadopolis) Owner of the Shelbyville Nuclear Power Plant, who has Homer give an inspiring speech. 8F05 Jackie Mason (Rabbi Hyman Krustofski) Krusty the Clown's estranged father. (He doesn't approve of clowning) "Pies are for noshing, not for throwing" "Seltzer is for drinking, not for spraying" 8F08 Catherine O'Hara (Collette) Moe's new waitress. Aerosmith Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford, Tom Hamilton and Joey Kramer do a gig while Moe's is popular. They let Moe sing along on "Walk This Way." 8F11 Sting Takes part in the "Sending Our Love Down the Well" benefit and the rescue of Bart. 8F13 Jon Lovitz (Aristotle Amadopolis) The owner of the Shelbyville NPP is back to make a wager with Burns. (on the softball game) Wade Boggs Jose Canseco Roger Clemens Ken Griffey, Jr. Don Mattingly Steve Sax Mike Scioscia Ozzie Smith Darryl Strawberry All chosen for Burns' softball team, but only Strawberry plays.
Burns had given them menial jobs at the plant so they could play on the company
softball team. (in order for Burns to win his bet with Aristotle Amanadopolis)
Burns wins anyway. By the way, Canseco missed the game because he was rescuing
stuff from an old lady's burning house.
Roger Clemens: Group hypnosis makes him think he's a chicken. Mike Scioscia: Working in power plant gives him acute radiation poisoning. Don Mattingly: Kicked off team for not cutting (non-existent) sideburns. Steve Sax: NYC native arrested for all of Springfield's unsolved crimes, faces six consecutive life sentences. Wade Boggs: Punched out by Barney at Moe's for arguing that Pitt the Elder was England's greatest prime minister. (Barney said Lord Palmerston.) Ozzie Smith: Falls into bottomless pit at Springfield's Mystery Spot. Jose Canseco: Busy saving everything from a baby to a player-piano from a burning house. Ken Griffey Jr.: Overdose of nerve tonic causes gigantism.
The fictional-turned-real heavy metal band (whose members include Simpsons regular Harry Shearer) performs a concert. 8F22 Kimmy Robertson (Samantha Stanky) The girl Milhouse falls in love with. 8F23 Danny DeVito (Herb Powell) Herb comes up with a moneymaking scheme to get out of the gutter in his return appearance. Joe Frazier Announces Homer as the winner of the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievment in the Field of Excellence. (the award given to Homer to keep him from suing the plant) |
Season Four (1992-1993)8F18 Jon Lovitz (Llewellyn Sinclair) Director of the play. Lovitz also does the voice of Sinclair's sister, who runs the Ayn Rand School for Tots. 9F02 Bob Hope Performs at Fort Springfield with Lisa. 9F03 Neil Armstrong Heard when Homer remembers his moon landing in 1969. 9F05 Tom Jones Marge's favorite singer, kidnapped by Burns to woo her. 9F06 Sarah Gilbert (Laura Powers) The new neighbor's daughter, who Bart gets a crush on. Laura did an imitation Bart-style prank call. (for Ivana Tinkle) Pamela Reed (Sara Powers) The new neighbor. 9F07 Linda Ronstadt Sings the "Plow King" jingle. Adam West Meets Homer at the auto show. 9F08 Elizabeth Taylor (Maggie Simpson) Says "Daddy" at the end - one of only two official spoken words for the Simpsons tot. 9F10 Leonard Nimoy A passenger on the monorail's doomed maiden voyage. 9F15 Dr.Joyce Brothers Appears on the Smartline show. Only line of dialogue: "I brought my own mike!" 9F16 Brooke Shields Gives an award to Abe. 9F18 Barry White Serves as the grand marshall for Whacking Day. Later helps save the snakes. 9F20 David Crosby Helps Lionel Hutz kick his alcoholism. Johnny Carson Bette Midler Luke Perry Hugh Hefner Red Hot Chili Peppers Guests on Krusty's Komeback Special. Barry White A contestant on Springfield Squares. Elizabeth Taylor Turns down an offer to appear on the Komeback Special, which she later regrets. Season Five (1993-1994)9F21 David Crosby Gives the Be Sharps a Grammy. George Harrison Meets Homer at the after-award show party and rooftop concert. The Dapper Dans (The Be Sharps) This authentic barbershop quartet does the Be Sharps' singing voices. 1F01 The Ramones Heckle Mr. Burns at his birthday party. 1F03 Pamela Reed (Ruth Powers) Returns for a night on the town turned vigilante spree with Marge. George Feneman (Narrator) Does the Dragnet-like ending sequence. 1F05 James Brown Sings at the "Do What You Feel" festival. Albert Brooks (Brad Goodman, McGonickle) Does the voice of the self-help guru and the TV show cop who cops an attitude. 1F06 Ernest Borgnine Leads the Junior Campers retreat. 1F07 Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink) Reprises his "Hogan's Heroes" role as the form Homer's guardian angel assumes. Michelle Pfeiffer (Mindy Simmons) Homer's co-worker and temptress. 1F08 Gerry Cooney Official greeter at Burns' casino. Robert Goulet Sings at Bart's treehouse casino. 1F09 Sam Neill (Malloy) Grampa's friend, later shown to be the Cat Burglar. 1F11 Conan O'Brien Bart appears on his show. Also, O'Brien himself wrote three Simpsons episodes. (I don't know which ones) 1F10 James Woods Takes over Apu's job at the Kwik-E-Mart. 1F12 Kathleen Turner (Stacy Lovell) The creator of Malibu Stacy. 1F13 Buzz Aldrin Accompanies Homer on his space voyage. James Taylor Sings for the astronauts. Season Six (1994-1995)1F17 Winona Ryder (Allison Taylor) Lisa's rival, a new student in Springfield Elementary. 2F33 Albert Brooks (Jacques) Sara Gilbert (Laura Powers) Jon Lovitz (Artie Ziff) Michelle Pfeiffer (Mindy Simmons) These guests appear through clips from "Life On the Fast Lane", "New Kid on the Block", "The Way We Was", and "The Last Temptation of Homer" respectively. 2F02 Dr.Demento Briefly heard on Bart's radio. Is Bart's other mortal enemy. (besides Sideshow Bob) Larry King Mediates the Mayoral Debates. Henry Corden (Fred Flintstone) Talks to Bart on the Flintstone Phone. 2F03 James Earl Jones (Maggie Simpson) Speaks one line in an alternate universe during "Time and Punishment." 2F04 Meryl Streep (Jessica Lovejoy) Bart's evil girlfriend, and Rev. Lovejoy'sdaughter. 2F06 Dennis Franz (Himself playing Homer) From the Fox TV movie "Homer S: Portrait of an Ass-Grabber." 2F08 Ted Danson (Sam Malone) Woody Harrelson (Woody Boyd) Rhea Perlman (Carla Tortelli) Jon Ratzenberger (Cliff Claven) George Wendt (Norm Peterson) All play their "Cheers" characters in a bar Homer stumbles across. Ann Bancroft (Dr. Zweig) Marge's therapist. 2F09 Patrick Stewart (Number One) Head of the Stonecutters, Springfield division. 2F12 Dick Cavett Co-hosts the Regional Ace Awards with Homer-as-a-clown. Johnny Unitas Advertises the Lady Krusty Mustache Trimmer. (Man, Krusty's a sellout) 2F14 Mel Brooks Homer's customer in the limo. Susan Sarandon (Ballet Teacher) Teaches Bart how to do ballet. 2F31 Jon Lovitz (Jay Sherman) The Critic, who comes to Springfield to judge the local film festival. Maurice LaMarche (George C. Scott) Doing his Oscar winner "Man Getting Hit by Football." 2F15 Mandy Patankin (Hugh Parkfield) Lisa's fiance in 2010. (The wedding gets called off by Lisa) 2F32 Ron Taylor (Bleeding Gums Murphy) Returns only to die. Steve Allen Hosts the Tonight Show in a flashback. 2F16 Tito Puente Teacher for Lisa's proposed jazz course. Cut because the school lost money on Burns stealing the oil well. He becomes a suspect. Season Seven (1995-96)2F20 Tito Puente Clears himself. Sung a slanderous mambo about Burns. Very funny. 2F17 Mickey Rooney Tries to convince Milhouse to continue as Fallout Boy. 3F03 Paul and Linda McCartney They help Lisa keep away from meat. 3F04 Paul Anka Sings the "Just Don't Look" jingle in "Attack of the 50 Ft. Eyesores." 3F06 Glenn Close (Mother Simpson) Homer's long-lost mother, assumed dead but actually an underground fugitive. Harry Morgan (Bill Gannon) FBI agent trying to arrest Grandma Simpson. 3F08 R. Lee Emrey (Colonel Leslie Hapablap) In charge of Springfield's Air Force base. 3F31 Buzz Aldrin In a clip from "Deep Space Homer". Glenn Close (Mother Simpson) In an outtake from "Mother Simpson." Liz Georges (Maggie Simpson) Says "Good night" in the "Good Night" clip from the Tracey Ullman days. 3F07 Lawrence Tierney (Don Brodka) Detective at Try-n-Save. 3F11 Tom Kite Gives Homer golfing tips. Also tells Homer to "Get your own clubs and stay the hell out of my locker" 3F12 Bob Newhart Speaks at Krusty's funeral. 3F13 Donald Sutherland (Hollis Hurlbut) Runs Springfield's Historical Society. 3F16 Suzanne Somers Announcer at the Itchy and Scratchy parade. Kirk Douglas (Chester J. Lampwick) The real creator of Itchy. Jack Sheldon (Amendment) Sings during the "I'm an Amendment-to-Be" sketch. 3F15 Jeff Goldblum (MacArthur Parker) Troy McClure's agent. 3F21 Cypress Hill Perform while high (AKA while awake)(for them anyway). Peter Frampton Gets the short end of the stick; Homer ruins his pig, Cypress Hill steals his orchestra, and Sonic Youth steals his watermelon. Smashing Pumpkins Advise Homer about being a super freak. Sonic Youth Get into Peter Frampton's cooler. 3F22 Christina Ricci (Erin) One of Lisa's newfound friends. Season Eight (1996-1997)3F23 Homer's new boss, and a power-crazed supervillian. Buys Homer the Arizona Cardinals. 4F03 Michael Buffer Announces the Simpson-Tatum match. Paul Winfield (Lucious Sweet) Moe's mentor, and Tatum's manager. 4F05 Rodney Dangerfield (Larry Burns) Mr. Burns' boorish son. 4F07 Jon Lovitz (Jay Sherman) Committed, possibly after his show was cancelled. 3F24 Johnny Cash (Coyote) Guide to Homer's quest for a soulmate. 3G01 Leonard Nimoy Hosts the show; orders a hot dog. Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully) David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) They reprise their "X Files" characters and investigate Homer's sighting of an "alien". The "alien" turns out to be Mr. Burns on drugs. 4F08 Jack Lemmon (Frank Ormand) The Pretzel Wagon Man. 4F11 John Waters (John) Homer's gay friend; runs a collectibles shop in the mall. 4F14 David Hyde Pierce (Cecil Terwilliger) Sideshow Bob's younger brother. 4F15 Dave Thomas (Rex Banner) Fights the war against alcohol in Springfield. 4F17 Bret "The Hitman" Hart Moves into Mr. Burns' mansion. 4F18 Sab Shimono (Mr. Sparkle) A Japanese corporate mascot who looks like Homer. 4F20 Gailard Sartain (Big Daddy) Wiggum's nemesis in "Chief Wiggum, PI." Tim Conway Guest star on "The Simpson Family Smile-Time Variety Hour." 4F21 Willem Dafoe (Commandant) In charge of the military academy Bart and Lisa attend. Season Nine (1997-1998)4F23 Martin Sheen (Sgt. Seymour Skinner) The "real" Skinner. 3G02 Fyvush Finkel (Himself playing Krusty) On a WB TV movie of Krusty's life. 5F03 Joe Namath Gives Bart advice on football - and vapor lock. Roy Firestone Hosted the "Sports Spew!" radio show. Mike Judge (Hank Hill) Guest stars from "King of the Hill". 5F04 Jan Hooks (Manjula) Apu's fiance. Andrea Martin (Apu's mother) Comes to see Apu get married to Manjula. 5F05 Stephen Jay Gould Examines the "angel". 5F07 Alex Trebek Hosts "Jeopardy!" like on real life, but tells Marge she owes them money. 5F08 Jim Varney (Cooter) The carny who takes over the Simpson house. 5F11 Jack Ong (Chinese fisherman) Catches Otto. James Earl Jones (Narrator) Explains how the kids get back to civilization in time for... 5F10 Bruce Baum Janeane Garafolo Bobcat Goldthwait Steven Wright Appear at the Springfield Comedy Fest. Jay Leno At the Comedy Fest, but also helps Krusty reform his act. Hank Williams, Jr Sings the Canyonero theme at the end. 5F12 Helen Hunt (Renee) Moe's expensive girlfriend. 3G04 Bob Denver Performs at the USO club. Rod Steiger (Captain Tenille) Commands Homer's nuclear sub. 5F14 Paul Winfield (Lucious Sweet) Makes a brief return; apparently has tax problems. 5F09 U2 They help Homer win his campaign for sanitation engineer. Steve Martin (Ray Patterson) The former sanitation engineer. 5F16 Brendan Fraser (Brad) Steven Weber (Neil) Spokesmen for Powersauce Bars 5F20 Lisa Kudrow (Alexis) A new kid in school; she wants to grow up quickly. Season Ten (1998-1999)5F21 William Daniels (KITT) Appears in the slide show. AABF01 Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger) Speaks in couch scene Ed McMahon Hosts Snake's execution. Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford Bart and Lisa land in their soup. Jerry Springer Homer, Marge, Maggie, and Kang appear on his show. 5F19 Kim Basinger Alec Baldwin Ron Howard Getting away from it all in Springfield, until Homer blabs. Brian Grazer Runs the studio Ron Howard sells the movie idea to. AABF02 Martin Mull (Seth) George Carlin (Munchie) Homer's hippie pals. AABF05 Mark Hamill Appears at the sci-fi convention and dinner theater. Dick Tutfield (Voice of the robot) At the sci-fi convention; reprises his role from the "Lost in Space" TV show. AABF06 The Moody Blues Befriend Homer and Ned in the casino. AABF07 Cyndi Lauper Sings the national anthem. AABF08 Fred Willard (Wally Krogen) Springfield travel agent. Rosey Grier Runs the chapel. Troy Aikman Draws caricatures. Dan Marino Throws passes outside the Super Bowl. Pat Summerall John Madden Announce the Super Bowl. Dolly Parton Springs Homer and his pals from jail. Rupert Murdoch Homer and his buddies break into his booth. AABF09 Ed Begley, Jr. Advocates solar energy; chains himself to a tree. AABF11 Jan Hooks (Manjula) Apu has an affair and his wife Manjula kicks him out. Manjula throws a copy
of the Kama Sutra out the window and says "You won't be needing this anymore
Hosts the "Happy Smile Super Challenge Family Wish Show". Puts the Simpson family through a tough ordeal to return home. A. Lightning round where Homer is electrocuted B. Plane tickets must be retrieved from a bridge over a "volcano". Season Eleven (1999-2000)AABF19 The B-52's Sing the "Glove Slap" number. AABF21 Ed Asner (Springfield Shopper editor) Hires Homer to be a food critic. AABF22 Mark McGwire Does the dirty work for Major League Baseball. (distracts the townpeople from the info-collecting MLB satellite) AABF23 Mel Gibson Homer thinks his movie stinks, so they remake it. Jack Burns (Edward Christian) Studio executive who dislikes Homer and Mel Gibson's "altered" ending. BABF01 Lucy Lawless Kidnapped by The Collector. Dick Clark Hosts Springfield's New Year's Rockin' Eve. Tom Arnold In the rocket of undesirable celebs. BABF02 Ron Howard Guest on Springfield Squares; later reassures. Penn and Teller Homer ruins their act. BABF03 Jan Hooks (Manjula) Apu's wife. Bears octuplets(due to fertility drugs). Garry Marshall (Larry Kidkill) The exploitive zookeeper. Puts Apu and Manjula's octuplets into an exhibit. Butch Patrick The Zookeeper's helper. BABF05 John Goodman (Meat Hook) Head of Bakersfield's Hell's Satans. Henry Winkler (Ramrod) Another Hell's Satan. NRBQ Perform at the biker club and during the credits. BABF06 Don Cheadle (Brother Faith) Inspires Bart to become a faith healer. BABF08 Britney Spears Co-presenter at the awards show. BABF09 Randy Bachman Fred Turner The two perform at the State Fair. Other guest stars(I don't know the season numbers and production codes of the episodes they were on)The Who (in the "new Springfield" episode)(Play atop the garbage wall) The Superbowl episode Pat Summerall and John Madden-Announcers Dolly Parton Breaks Homer and the other guys out of the Super Bowl jail cell. The "Funzo" episode Gary Coleman(as the toy company security guard) The Dixie Chicks (as themselves in Krusty's Nondenominational Holiday Spectacular) N'sync (in The Party Posse episode) The Spellympics episode George Plimpton The MC for the Spellympics. Tries to get Lisa to throw the competition. "Tennis the Menace" Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Serena+Venus Williams All show up for Krusty's charity tennis tournament. "The 300th Episode Spectacular" Tony Hawk Is holding a skate party above Bart's apartment "The Regina Monologues" Tony Blair Welcomes the Simpsons to London. Sir Ian Mac Kellen Seen by the Simpsons as he was about to enter a theatre. Was part of a funny "Macbeth" gag. Queen Elizabeth II Slapped by Homer, and this incident ruins another Simpson vacation. Jackie Mason(in "Today I Am A Clown")(as Rabbi Krustofski) "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" Tom Clancy "Endorses" Marge's book. Thomas Pynchon Ditto. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Narrate "The Harpooned Heart" on tape. There are more that I don't know about, probably. |
Andre Agassi, Troy Aikman, Wade Boggs, Michael Buffer, Jose Canseco, Terry Cashman, Roger Clemens, Gerry Cooney, Roy Firestone, Smokin' Joe Frazier, Rosey Grier, Ken Griffey Jr., Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Tony Hawk, Chick Hearn, Larry Holmes, Magic Johnson.
Tom Kite, Jack LaLanne, Lisa Leslie, John Madden, Dan Marino, Don Mattingly, Mark McGwire, Joe Namath, Pete Sampras, Steve Sax, Mike Scioscia, Ozzie Smith, Darryl Strawberry, Pat Summerall, Johnny Unitas, Serena Williams, Venus Williams.
Arrangement of this page (C) Alan Gilfoy 2004.