I have all of my decked cards in tournament sleeves. Most of these are DragonShield's of various colors [this is one of the premium brands of these things.]

I store my decks in the deckboxes that one gets out of Fat Packs.

I often use these to carry decks out to an event, as they are easy to carry, and can handle 3 sleeved decks

Collection? This I go whole-hog on storing. Most of this is a straightforward breakdown by set.

I have a small-to-medium-sized three-ring binder for each block. I also have additional binders for:

  • Groups of Core Sets (Alpha-Beta-Unlimited/Revised/4th-5th-6th-7th-8th (nonfoils only)/foils of 7th-8th-9th-10th along with nonfoils of 9th and 10th/Magic 2010),
  • The old standalone expansions, in a binder along with Beta Collectors Edition
  • Special products such as Portal, Starter, and the non-Duel Deck box sets
  • All the Duel Decks
  • Promos

    Within these binders, I have the appropriate amount of Ultra Pro Platinum 9-pocket pages [IMHO, this brand is clearly the best product in that category.] If the set is new enough to have foil versions, all of the foil versions are placed in the binder before any nonfoil versions. The foil sets and the nonfoil sets, placed where they are, are sorted by collector number. I leave empty binder page spaces for the cards in the set that I don't have. (yet?)

    (For pre-Exodus sets, I have the sets sorted by how that set's collector numbers would have been laid out - for more details on the collector number system, click here

    Outside of the straightforward breakdown-by-set, I also have a relative handful of foreign-language cards in its own binder. (Italian-language Legends is strongly represented, but I do have some other foreign-language stuff as well.)

    I have another binder that holds cards selected for art or flavortext reasons.

    The artist section has a large amount of cards per artist for a few artists that I like. I have gotten some of these signed by mailing them into their respective artists; I have signed cards from Rob Alexander, Quinton Hoover, Todd Lockwood, Alex Horley-Orlandelli, Terese Nielsen, Alan Pollack, RK Post, and Pete Venters

    The flavortext section has an assortment of cards with funny flasvortext and cards with serious/interesting flavortext.

    Now that's just my organized collection. :)

    I have a 'trade binder' of sorts in empty booster-box containers, as well as various fatpack boxes and all sorts of other assorted piles. These assortments mainly contain decent commons and uncommons, without hugely pricey rares, so I don't think I have any need for the full trade-binder treatment.

    Bulk commons and uncommons, especially from the more-recent sets, I mainly have stored over several booster-box containers.

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