This page is a collection of sets that I have put together using Magic Set Editor. Many are works-in-progress. The MSE files are downloadable as .zip archives. They contain the relevant .mse-set files, without artwork (This keeps the file size down, and it makes it easier for me to actually put the sets together.)

  • 42nd Edition - a self-designed selection of cards that together form a Core Set. Set completed, though there might be tweaks in the future. Two of my core set's most noticeable features are the presence of multicolor and placing the painlands at uncommon. Also, I made sure that Alpha/Beta, and every expansion from Arabian Nights to Conflux, is represented by at least one card.
  • UnStable - a self-created Un-set. Work-in-progress; there may be updates
  • MSE card versions of all the various tokens created by real-life Magic cards. Largely complete for pre-Lorwyn cards.
  • Unhinged and Unglued both had a secret message. When the message was assembled, it indicated a list of cards that "did not make the set". I made a set that did contain them. Work-in-progress.
  • Tal Nazarem, a self-designed block Still in the works. First set is completed, although tweaks are likely. The second and third sets are very much a work-in-progress.
  • Full spoiler for the completed 1st set as of 8/28/2008 [HTML]
  • XXXth Edition, an Un-set I'm working on. Suggestive theme, but no pics

    For my self-created sets, I have included token cards for all the creature tokens produced by regular cards in the set, mirroring the WotC practice from Tenth Edition onward.

    Comments? [email protected]
