Letter codes on the upper lefthand corner of a bill indicate what position that bill came from on its sheet, and in some cases, what type of sheet arrangement was used in that particular case. If a piece of paper has usable space, but not in a standard configuration, no letter will be used. (Also, the layout letter is occasionally omitted as a simple drawing error). If I can't use the entire piece of paper, but the remainign bill spaces ar ein a usual configuration, I'll use the appropriate letters for what is there.

Sheet Type 1: A full sheet divided into eight sections, one for each large bill, is lettered A through H, with A-D down the left column and E-H down the right column.

Sheet Type 2: A full sheet divided into eighteeen sections, one for each large cent bill, is lettered A through R, with A-F down the left column, G-L down the middle column, and M-R down the right column.

Sheet Type 3: A sheet with the top portion somewhat obstructed/unuseable. [This can happen if I'm salvaging paper that had hole punches or staples]. The first row, letters S, T, and U, is space for 3 large-size cent bills. V,W,X (lefthand column) and Y,Z,AA (righthand column) is space for six normal alrge-size bills

Sheet Type 4: A sheet with the top portion somewhat obstructed/unuseable, often due to hole punches. BB and CC are space on the top row in between the hole punches for one large cent bill each. DD-HH,II-MM and NN-RR are 3 columns of 5 large-size cent bills each.

If the space for a normal-sized bill is actually used for a large-size cent bill, the letter appropriate for the normal-sized bill is used with a '1' appended to it. This can happen if the lines aren't done quite right or if the sheet of paper is damaged on the sides or corners.

I admit that the hole-punches and creases seen in some of the examples don't scan well

Example pictures

Sheet Type 1

Sheet Type 2

Sheet Type 3

Sheet Type 4


Creased corner, cent bill made in slot A

Couldn't use the whole sheet, but did use the appropriate letters for the space that was useable